Do you want to live that nostalgic tour - prepare pickle, like it was done years back, almost like a ritual, every summer? Hold on to that wish!!
The picture was vague when we began but much clearer now. The ideas are still scattered and evolving.
An early morning walk, a leisurely chat about just anything - cricket, politics, spiritual growth or whatever , read any book from the library, teach a child Mathematics or English, assist a dementia patient remember names, plan an outing in and around Bangalore, gather in a large hall - to pray, chant mantras, read Bible, meditate or just echo long breaths of Om, get hands dirty in the kitchen garden, listen to good old melodies, watch serials without having to worry about groceries, financials, banks, medicines or even bother about what to cook for dinner. While fifty eight is the age to retire from job, there are always loads to do in life, if one wants to and is able to.
RSF had identified a plot in Anekal to build that home to house able seniors along with Dementia patients and orphans where the inmates will not have that old sinking feeling of being left out, unappreciated, not needed and ignored. A home that will demonstrate care beyond basics of food and medicines – capitalize on their sensitivities and strengths.
We believe Old Age Home is not an option because you are ill, scared to be alone, children do not care, too feeble to carry out personal activities, missing your partner - it can also a personal choice for people who believe retiring is a state of mind.
Is it fair to condition children to compete, do well in life, prosper, be independent, make you proud and when the time comes for them to soar, shine, glitter, hold them back or tag along with them wherever they go against your own wishes - You miss your roots in a foreign country however the thought of staying all by yourselves without children at this age is over whelming and literally scary – Our Home will be your abode – may be the walls will not have same paint as your house, the feelings of warmth and care will be familiar and deeply satisfying!
And if at all, the pickle making ritual is successfully accomplished just like the good old days, who do you think will act like scare crows when the pickle is on the terrace to soak the sun!! Of course – all those men who skip afternoon nap for a few rounds of Fish or Twenty Nine!!
To make this wishful thinking a reality, be part of our membership drive. All donations to be in the name of RAMOSARA FOUNDATION.