
Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Why Ramosara?

Voice from Canada: Courtesy - Shubhra Dutta

When I was first approached by a member of RSF to support the cause, I was in the middle of chaos in India - in my home town Kolkata, with two ailing seniors at home, loads of uncertainty and obviously with no time to read RSF blog, let alone respond.
I returned to Canada and while I had it back of mind to revert, other priorities took over. I did have a few questions that clouded my decision to support RSF and perhaps the underlying reason for the delay – Is it yet another money making plan in the name of NGO? Will the seniors really have a home in Vridhashray? Will they do what it takes to support Dementia patients? I did not ask any of these questions though.
Instead I asked, ‘Will the inmates be charged? I can trust my wisdom to imagine their objectives based on that response. No saintly, philanthropic, lofty, ambitious, well rehearsed, impressive, eloquent response - plain practical facts – Some beds will be with user fee and a few beds for able seniors will not be charged, purely need based.
The clouds faded. I could connect. My father feels lonely after we lost our mother, now stays miles away from Kolkata, at my sister’s place in Rajasthan with nothing to do in particular. There are many others out there, who will be glad to stay in Vridhashray and pursue leisurely activities – Gardening, Pickle making, volunteering in RSF activities, meet other like minded people, just a heart to heart chat – indeed an abode, someplace else.
When I was asked to represent RSF as a contact point in Canada, I wanted to know more - Why should people even divert their money and attention? Does RSF have any USP, differentiator from other homes? I was asked to wait for the responses, and I am still waiting.
I wanted RSF’s account number to transfer the membership fee, here is the response –
‘We need members who show interest in progress of our projects rather than just pay the membership fee and forget the whole thing. Do continue asking. We will be glad to know that you care for the cause just as we do. Keep our efforts in your prayers
There is no urgency for the membership fee. Will give all details in the right time’
That clears the clouds of doubts completely - What can be a better USP than that? Here is a team who is trying to build a home for seniors, orphans and work on a self sustainable model to run the home, do not want people’s money in their bank account till they are absolutely ready! This integrity will go a long way.

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